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Price of Evil

Price of Evil

Price of Evil
Haunted houses are a staple of horror movies. Despite having an interior-contained environment full of monsters they also tend to be ill-suited to role-playing games featuring treasure-hungry transients with a penchant for violence.  Something about their flammable nature I suppose. This adventure toolkit presumes you want to have a game (or series of games) where the players attempt to survive and solve a haunted house without resorting to arson. I understand that is a big if as there is something satisfying about the moment when the players around the table look at one another and silently vote that the time for interacting with the horror-filled creation of your imagination has ended and the time for fire has begun.  


Booklet - 32 pages
Size: 5.5x7.5
Stock: 100lbs Gloss Text

    C$27.49 Regular Price
    C$26.66Sale Price
    Excluding GST/HST
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